Sunday 15 October 2023

The ADHS Diaries - part 16

It has been a little while but life has been a little tricky to endure recently, and sadly the blog fell down the priority queue for a time!

But I've still been able to get some hobby done, so let's run through what I've been up to!

A War Transformed
Well it was probably inevitable... I got the A War Transformed rulebook and promptly bought a stack of packs from Peter Pig to make up forces of French (Mother) and German (Horned God).  I'm still waiting for a 3d printed statue for one of the French units, if it doesn't show up soon I may have to order another unfortunately.  I also added a spirit figure from CPModels to the French.

Broken Legions
I found in one of my various drawers of wargaming stuff a Hermes looking mini (think it's Artizan or Crusader) who will become a Demigod auxiliary in our Broken Legions collection!

The Burning Sands
Before they closed I got some ever so slightly Hunnic styled Orc warriors and archers which I've decided will find a home as a possible encounter in the Burning Sands.  I also got some ladders from CPModels that I am thinking about keeping unglued to the various buildings I have to allow me to mix up layouts etc.

Burrows and Badgers
I've prepped and primed the Giant Bear (I've called him Worrley) and the alchemist mole (Winthrop Hathawaye), along with a couple of 3D printed market stalls I got a while back.

I've finally prepped the Varcolac, pair of Lacrimosa and the Unholy Union.  There's a few random minis I'd like to add across the different factions - I'm also hoping for some new stuff for the Patricians as I need more of them to balance the collection out a little, but I'm not keen on the Guard and Navy sub-themes.

Dracula's America
I picked out the Winged Plagues, Metal Golem and Lord Chompy Bits from my previous post and have based them for Dracula's America - the Winged Plagues I'll make a new creature to use as an Unwelcome Guest, Lord Chompy Bits and the Metal Golem will get stories and stats for use in some kind of special scenarios tbd!

I've prepped and primed whatever was of use from the second hand job lot as well as the Apex keyword stuff I got.  Then I went and dropped the tray that I put them on after priming and will have some repair jobs to try to do 😞

Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game
Etsy recently ran a special offer where they took £10 off an order of a certain size.  I saw on Threads that this was funded by Etsy itself so decided to add a few more bits to the MESBG collection - 6 Serpent Guard to join the Haradrim, 6 Warg Riders for Mordor and 6 Shieldmaidens (Riders of Rohan).  I think I'm pretty much set now, but there's a couple more bits I would really like to add!

Of Gods and Mortals
Well in another one for the 'inevitable' list, I finally got the stuff for a Japanese OGAM force - I've got various ashigaru, samurai and monks from Peter Pig, some Oni, a Kitsune and a Miko from Alternative Armies and, for the gods, Ryujin (a dragon from the CMON game Rising Sun) and I'm waiting for a 3d printed female Inari Okami.  I've already got lots of 15mm Japanese scenery for Sengoku Monster Hunter (and Daisho/Ronin), so that can be easily used with these too.  I did also get a couple of bits by Baueda from Magister Militum before they closed - a Spartan Dokana (scenery piece that can also be used in Mortal Gods) and a unit of Gall-Gaedhil that I'll use for both our Celtic and Norse forces.

Proxima Centauri
I've got pretty much everything I could need for both Rogue Stars and even Xenos Rampant games in the little sci-fi setting I started making.  But I couldn't resist adding a cheeky 28mm walker drone bot thingy from CPModels as another mech!

The Silver Bayonet
I got a few bits from Magister Militum before they shut - mostly dwarves for TSB.  I also got various elementals, giant rats, Black Dogs, bats and witches.

Looking Ahead
I'm starting to run out of steam a little on the prep and prime (Operation Winter is Coming 2023) front, but still hope to pick up a couple more things and get them done and sprayed before the weather gets too bad.  I'm not sure I'll finish the Malifaux collection in time (Amalgam, Plague, Syndicate, DUA/Umbra, Frontier and Vagrant key words still to do 😅) but who knows, right?

Tuesday 12 September 2023

One man's junk is another's treasure and all that

Recently I got a job lot of second hand Malifaux minis and thought I'd run through the contents here.

First up, three quarters of the first Hoffman starter; Charles himself, a Watcher and a Hunter.  As I don't have a Mechanical Attendant I don't see these getting much use as a crew themselves, but I'll prep and paint them someday for the fun of it!

Next a mostly whole selection of chaps made using the male character kit for Through the Breach (I believe).  The duster/hat guy could potentially proxy as something Guild (with a fix as he is missing a sword), but the Neverborn dude with a gatling gun is utter madness!

I also got Sonnia Criid (alternate version) - thanks to Wargaming Threads for help in identifying!

Next is the metal Samael Hopkins (picture not great as he is primed and has a basecoat on some leather).  

Here we have the first plastic version of The Scribe, Lucius' totem. 

Next is an on-sprue version of the Restless Spirit in red - have to admit I never saw much point in the coloured plastic stuff as it'll end up painted anyway!

Here's a part painted Ama No Zako:

Next up was a pair of Crooligans (the best two IMO):

The box also included McCabe (foot and mounted) and the three Ruffians from his starter box (no Sidir or Luna but I do already have this box so it's no great shakes!)

Next was Somer and Lenny from the previous starter - these have weirdly oversized scenic elements which have claimed a foot each from the gremlins... if I can salvage the feet I might use these as alternate options for my other Somer and Lenny.

Here's McTavish and his big boy gator:

And a mostly complete Rail/Metal Golem (which to be honest I might just turn into something for Dracula's America):

Next up was a Pale Rider:

A pretty much painted Killjoy was also in the box:

As well as a selection of minis from the Plague keyword.  Some of these I might press into service for Dracula's America.

Next is the previous Lady Justice starter - some on sprue, with the Death Marshals salvageable:

Then there was a Sanctioned Spellcaster that will fit in with my Witch Hunters, an Austringer and a Pathfinder:

Next was a selection of Guard keyword minis.

And the Dashel from the previous Lucius box - as I have no Dispatcher I might use this to take him as a second master, probably in his Dashel2 form.

Then there was Johan - I've got both male and female versions now!

Next up is a metal Lord Chompy Bits - this will definitely get used in Dracula's America:

Then there was a selection of Obliteration keyword minis, which most notably included Karina, so I could feasibly get say Tara2 and make use of these all together:

Next was some Freikorps, including notably Hannah Lovelace, which I think is an awesome model so I'm really happy to have it!

Almost finally was the highlight of the box - the now OOP Avatar of Amalgamation (counts as Arcane Emissary):

Finally there was this mini that I am yet to identify from either the Malifaux range or otherwise - all I know is it is metal!

If you recognise her, please let me know!

In all, whilst it was a very random selection, there's lot of usable bits and pieces in there - the Avatar, Hannah, Lady Justice and Obliteration stuff in particular stands out and definitely made it represent good value for me.

Thursday 31 August 2023

The ADHS Diaries - part 15

Here's the latest update for me to read back on when I need a boost!

Burrows & Badgers
I've repainted a resin well scatter piece that will see use - it's a little large, but will work for the larger beastfolk, so I'll call it Brock's Well.  I've picked up the giant Bear mini (and the mole alchemist as I continue to pick up any civilian type minis Oathsworn release!) that I need to prep.

Dracula's America
I've been chipping away painting the various Unwelcome Guests (random monster type things) - I'm hoping to take photos and write some fluff to show these off here at some point.  Then it'll be on to either townsfolk or some recurring bandit types I think.  Or maybe livestock.

I wasn't necessarily expecting to add to the Malifaux collection for a while, but when I saw a good deal on a second hand Lord Cooper box and the On the Hunt box I couldn't resist snapping it up.  When it arrives I'll try to post about it here to get back into posting things other than these ADHS Diaries!

Of Gods and Mortals
I've repainted a couple of resin cheapo scatter terrain pieces that will see use primarily in OGAM - an ancient arch ruin thing and a sphinx head ruin.  As I see OGAM tables as being smashed together bits of the various cultures involved these should work fine.

In other news...
I've mostly spent my recent hobby fund on rulebooks - I've got the Tribal second edition and the two History and Game Lab expansions A Viking in the Sun (Lion Rampant) and The Last Samurai Rebellion (The Men Who Would Be Kings).