Wednesday 22 September 2021

Marcus arrives

I hadn't originally intended to take up the Beast/Chimera keyword(s) - but when I saw some M2E boxes going cheap I thought, what the heck!

Of course, without Marcus' Core Box it would have been a non-starter:

This gives me Marcus (and with less tactical rock than the M3E version, bonus!), Myranda, the Jackalope, a Razorspine Rattler, a Sabertooth Cerberus and Cojo.  

I decided to add a couple of other beastly options - an additional Razorspine Rattler (as it was cheap, why not!), and the Blessed of December:

In M3E Marcus is dual-faction with Neverborn, so I used it as a good excuse to get Adze for if/when we use Marcus as an NB master:

It's a pleasingly disturbing miniature so I'm glad to have an excuse to paint one as a gaming piece.

Finally, in M3E Marcus' Core Box includes a new minion - Order Initiates.  Thankfully Wyrd offer 'special order' opportunities for players of previous editions (and cheapskates like me who pick up M2E core boxes) to obtain the new miniatures only available in the M3E Core Boxes.  So, as this is probably the only 'special order' box I'll buy - here's a picture for posterity:

Interesting, right? 😂

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