Friday 30 July 2021

Wart - Kind and Gentle Soul

It couldn't be helped really, some folks just lack the ability to do anything other than hit things, hard.

Wart is a kind and gentle sort of soul, one of life's likable people. The other people in the quarter of Mordheim he called home looked out for him and he found work with a builder's crew, earning a crust from his untiring strength; whistling tunelessly while he hammered the ground flat for whatever building the crew were working on.

When the comet fell Wart's life changed – his crew was wiped out and so were most of the people he used to know.  Wart would most likely have become prey to some monster or another, but Old Durchsieber took him in.  Wart repays the kindness the matriarch of Gutter's End shows him by looking out for her and her daughters.

This chap is from the 1987 Citadel Imperial War Cannon (aka Feudal Artillery) where he is a crewman.  I rather liked his expression so decided to add him to the Hireling Agency.

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