Tuesday 18 May 2021

Som'er Teeth Prepped

I've got the Som'er Teeth core box all done - I'm using resin bayou bases from Tiny Worlds (highly recommended for quality and service!) for all the Bayou faction stuff.

I started with the Good Ol' Boys - the minions from the core box:

These were all easy to build. I'm particularly impressed with the hat of the one in the front - as Gremlin's use hats as a measure of social status (hence the keyword for Som'er being Big Hat) she must be pretty important!

Next is the towering henchman, Lenny Jones:

That poor pig is about to go flying!!

Finally for the Core Box is Som'er Teeth Jones himself, and his pair of totem Skeeters:

The Bayou Boss himself was easy to assemble, but the same can't be said of the Skeeters! Each of them has a broken antenna (not a massive deal though) - and although they came with flying bases there's no sensible place to attach them to the Skeeters... so I used some brass rod cut to a sensible looking size.

You may recall I'd also got a couple of other boxes for the Big Hat keyword - first up the Hootenanny box.  The main draw in this is the Georgy and Olaf:

This was easy to assemble - and provides a big counterpart model to go with Lenny.

The box also included a trio of Banjonistas:

These were of middling difficulty - the chap with the bowler hat was quite easy, the jug blower is easier than he looked but the woman really concentrating on her playing was a little tricky.  No real tips I'm afraid, just leave that one until last! 

I also got the Deliverance box - the Spit Hog is a pretty big miniature (and utterly bonkers to boot):

The Spit Hog was pretty easy to assemble - nothing too stressful!

The Deliverance box also included four Bayou Gremlins (these are also versatile across the Bayou faction):

These are pretty easy to assemble - but I somehow lost one of the feet of the chap with the fishing rod... so I decided to have him standing in what will become water effects so I can make it look like he's stood in the murky waters of the bayou.  I'm hopeful it'll work!  My favourite is the fisticuffs chap, moonshine jug swinging behind him!

I really like the Bayou faction - spiritual successors to the bonkers goblins I first encountered when I started wargaming!

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