So as people who follow me on Twitter (@alex_and__a) may have gathered these past couple of days I've been priming a lot of stuff that had backed up since before Christmas 2020, and that turned into trying to get organised in some way.
I suppose all of a sudden it all started to feel overwhelming. I've got, by most sensible people's standards, a pretty decent sized collection across a wide range of games/settings but as with all these things storage has eventually started to become an issue.
It got to the point yesterday where I started to feel like I was sinking...

photo by Luca Nardone from Pexels
So I have started to really reflect on the various parts of the collection - was it all still serving a purpose, or is some just taking up valuable space?
Of course, some stuff was never going to be up for a cut - Bolt Action/Konflikt'47, Infinity, Mordheim, Necromunda, Gorkamorka, Malifaux, Carnevale, Burrows & Badgers, ACW Rebels and Patriots, Dracula's America - all of those were certain to not be going anywhere - they all speak to me in different ways and fire my imagination.
There were also various that have fully painted armies - Dragon Rampant (both 28mm and 15mm) and Broken Legions spring to mind - those would also have a secure place in the collection.
On the other hand, there were some that I knew straight-away could be disposed of straight away - Warmachine, Infamy, random sci-fi minis (I prefer Cyberpunk and have Human Interface stuff by the tonne for that) and the like. I'm seriously close to slinging the Conquistador Goblins too as nice as they are they aren't really serving a purpose.
I then turned my attention to some smaller scales I have - 18mm Sikh Wars, 10mm Tudors... I realised I'd fallen into a trap. While I am still interested in the settings, and the scales are fine, I noticed that because the miniatures are sold in relatively large packs I had made up nearly all of them - resulting in many duplicates of units in my chosen rulesets. That's not what I like about wargaming - I don't care much for 5 units of nearly-identical regular infantry with the only difference being their flags; I like variety, I like using, and painting, a range of troop types. So, I revised my lists for these games - reducing each down in points (although both still above the suggested point totals for their rulesets). Much better suited to my tastes now!
There's a few instances where I'm not sure what to do... I find the settings interesting, but is 28mm still the right scale for me? For example the Jacobites - wonderful minis, but will they always get shunted to the back of the queue at 28mm? Or my Irish Confederation force... if it's to ever be played I'd need to get a force for them to fight - and even if I do that, do I really want an opposing army the same size? Do I downsize the Confederation side and get a NMA (or Covenanter) force to face them? Or do I cut my losses and replace the project in 10mm? I'm still not sure - these are two I need to reflect on some more I think.
Finally, and one that long time readers of the blog will recall me talking about, is Darklands. Wonderful miniatures, but do I really want three Age of Magic armies (or three more Dragon Rampant armies?) - I'm not sure I do... I could make some very cool Frostgrave warbands out of them though... but then what about the absolutely incredible monsters I have for Darklands - it's a shame to have no use for those... maybe I could do a Morrow Island monster-only force for Saga (and keep some to add to my Saga Irish/Shieldmaidens?). I'm really unsure how to proceed with that - although the plastic crate it is all stored in as metal/resin components feels like it stares at me every time I go to the geek room...
So what does this mean? I don't know. I have one 10mm project I have planned out and intend to buy in the next months or two - but I'm keeping that small and below the default points for Rebels and Patriots (no, it's not ACW or AWI by the way but that's all the hints you are getting!) but beyond that until I shrink the existing wargaming stash there won't be any new projects.
I think the moral of the story is to reflect upon what you actually enjoy in your hobby and to focus on that - for me I now acknowledge that is variety (setting, rules, scales and units) - I don't need or want giant armies and that's OK.
Of course, some stuff was never going to be up for a cut - Bolt Action/Konflikt'47, Infinity, Mordheim, Necromunda, Gorkamorka, Malifaux, Carnevale, Burrows & Badgers, ACW Rebels and Patriots, Dracula's America - all of those were certain to not be going anywhere - they all speak to me in different ways and fire my imagination.
There were also various that have fully painted armies - Dragon Rampant (both 28mm and 15mm) and Broken Legions spring to mind - those would also have a secure place in the collection.
On the other hand, there were some that I knew straight-away could be disposed of straight away - Warmachine, Infamy, random sci-fi minis (I prefer Cyberpunk and have Human Interface stuff by the tonne for that) and the like. I'm seriously close to slinging the Conquistador Goblins too as nice as they are they aren't really serving a purpose.
I then turned my attention to some smaller scales I have - 18mm Sikh Wars, 10mm Tudors... I realised I'd fallen into a trap. While I am still interested in the settings, and the scales are fine, I noticed that because the miniatures are sold in relatively large packs I had made up nearly all of them - resulting in many duplicates of units in my chosen rulesets. That's not what I like about wargaming - I don't care much for 5 units of nearly-identical regular infantry with the only difference being their flags; I like variety, I like using, and painting, a range of troop types. So, I revised my lists for these games - reducing each down in points (although both still above the suggested point totals for their rulesets). Much better suited to my tastes now!
There's a few instances where I'm not sure what to do... I find the settings interesting, but is 28mm still the right scale for me? For example the Jacobites - wonderful minis, but will they always get shunted to the back of the queue at 28mm? Or my Irish Confederation force... if it's to ever be played I'd need to get a force for them to fight - and even if I do that, do I really want an opposing army the same size? Do I downsize the Confederation side and get a NMA (or Covenanter) force to face them? Or do I cut my losses and replace the project in 10mm? I'm still not sure - these are two I need to reflect on some more I think.
Finally, and one that long time readers of the blog will recall me talking about, is Darklands. Wonderful miniatures, but do I really want three Age of Magic armies (or three more Dragon Rampant armies?) - I'm not sure I do... I could make some very cool Frostgrave warbands out of them though... but then what about the absolutely incredible monsters I have for Darklands - it's a shame to have no use for those... maybe I could do a Morrow Island monster-only force for Saga (and keep some to add to my Saga Irish/Shieldmaidens?). I'm really unsure how to proceed with that - although the plastic crate it is all stored in as metal/resin components feels like it stares at me every time I go to the geek room...
So what does this mean? I don't know. I have one 10mm project I have planned out and intend to buy in the next months or two - but I'm keeping that small and below the default points for Rebels and Patriots (no, it's not ACW or AWI by the way but that's all the hints you are getting!) but beyond that until I shrink the existing wargaming stash there won't be any new projects.
I think the moral of the story is to reflect upon what you actually enjoy in your hobby and to focus on that - for me I now acknowledge that is variety (setting, rules, scales and units) - I don't need or want giant armies and that's OK.
Lots of good thoughts there. The darklands stuff you have wanted for ages so would be a shame for you not to utilise them but as you said gotta look at what makes you happy for making the space
ReplyDeleteMate, I feel personally called out here, I've been going over a lot of this in my own head for quite a while now.
ReplyDeleteIt’s a tough thing - and in many cases I’m still a wrestling with a lot of it!