So 2020 eh?
Don't worry, this isn't another retrospective bemoaning the lack of games (although Professor Lange is getting itchy to carry out some nefarious deeds...) or the general state of the world - it's a look back at my personal hobby year, the highs and lows - and my hopes for my hobby going forward.

Silhouette of mountains courtesy of @8moments on Pexels
Although it tailed off a little later in the year, I did a lot of painting (by my standards) this year - finishing multiple armies in 28mm and 15mm for Dragon Rampant, a couple of warbands for Broken Legions as well as a fair amount of scatter terrain. I also tried Vallejo and Foundry paints for the first time - and I was suitably impressed; it's fair to say I'm not sure why I waited so long to add these to the toolbox!
New Projects
I started a few new projects this year - the tribute project to my late father-in-law (inspired by Tyrone's Rebellion), various Buntai for Daishо̄/Ronin, Mad Dogs with Guns, 6mm Crusades and The Ion Age. Most of these are 'complete' (maybe need some specific scenic items for some of course but that's standard!) so once I can get motoring on them that'll be more stuff to play painted.
MDF and 3D Printing
I have made quite a few MDF buildings this year (from Sarissa and TTCombat) - but I still need to paint them! On the 3D Printing front I found a very helpful and friendly chap who sourced and designed a large amount of very specific scatter terrain for my vision of Infinity.
2020 was the year I embraced wargaming Twitter a lot more - no, not the #warmongers side that is almost exclusively GW, but what I would call the 'historicals' (although it does include more than that - hello Infinity people! 👋). I've become acquainted with a number of gamers that have helped encourage me and inspire me throughout the year and for that I'm grateful.
Withered Ground courtesy of @james-frid-81279 on PexelsAlthough it tailed off a little later in the year, I did a lot of painting (by my standards) this year - finishing multiple armies in 28mm and 15mm for Dragon Rampant, a couple of warbands for Broken Legions as well as a fair amount of scatter terrain. I also tried Vallejo and Foundry paints for the first time - and I was suitably impressed; it's fair to say I'm not sure why I waited so long to add these to the toolbox!
New Projects
I started a few new projects this year - the tribute project to my late father-in-law (inspired by Tyrone's Rebellion), various Buntai for Daishо̄/Ronin, Mad Dogs with Guns, 6mm Crusades and The Ion Age. Most of these are 'complete' (maybe need some specific scenic items for some of course but that's standard!) so once I can get motoring on them that'll be more stuff to play painted.
MDF and 3D Printing
I have made quite a few MDF buildings this year (from Sarissa and TTCombat) - but I still need to paint them! On the 3D Printing front I found a very helpful and friendly chap who sourced and designed a large amount of very specific scatter terrain for my vision of Infinity.
2020 was the year I embraced wargaming Twitter a lot more - no, not the #warmongers side that is almost exclusively GW, but what I would call the 'historicals' (although it does include more than that - hello Infinity people! 👋). I've become acquainted with a number of gamers that have helped encourage me and inspire me throughout the year and for that I'm grateful.
For periods of too long this year I was paralysed by the Brain Gremlins and unable to make any progress with painting. I have so many awesome minis from so many incredible companies to play so many brilliant games that I need to find a way to battle the ol' Gremlins a bit better.
Old Projects
I really need to dedicate some time to working out what will 'finish' a number of my existing projects and crack on with using the hobby funds to do that rather than eyeing up new projects quite so often.
If I wasn't sure before, I am now that GW fandom is a burning wreckage of a road traffic accident involving a slop tanker and a used nappy recycling truck. Outside a sewage plant. It's sad to see as the main window into the wargaming hobby - but, to my mind, it represents an opportunity for us all to show off the wonderful and varied scope of the hobby that sits outside of the GW bubble.
White Daisy Flower Bloom courtesy of @aaronburden on PexelsFor periods of too long this year I was paralysed by the Brain Gremlins and unable to make any progress with painting. I have so many awesome minis from so many incredible companies to play so many brilliant games that I need to find a way to battle the ol' Gremlins a bit better.
Old Projects
I really need to dedicate some time to working out what will 'finish' a number of my existing projects and crack on with using the hobby funds to do that rather than eyeing up new projects quite so often.
If I wasn't sure before, I am now that GW fandom is a burning wreckage of a road traffic accident involving a slop tanker and a used nappy recycling truck. Outside a sewage plant. It's sad to see as the main window into the wargaming hobby - but, to my mind, it represents an opportunity for us all to show off the wonderful and varied scope of the hobby that sits outside of the GW bubble.
Complete the Old
Looking forward, my priorities will be to finish off existing projects before starting new - you know how it is; those odd little support choices, or specific scenery items, or minis for random encounters, those supplement and expansion books I've held off on (Konflikt 47 I'm looking at you dude). All that kind of good stuff that can get overlooked in favour of a new project. Now, this will include those new projects I got for Christmas that won't all have been covered here yet so there's still be more newness yet!
Looking forward, my priorities will be to finish off existing projects before starting new - you know how it is; those odd little support choices, or specific scenery items, or minis for random encounters, those supplement and expansion books I've held off on (Konflikt 47 I'm looking at you dude). All that kind of good stuff that can get overlooked in favour of a new project. Now, this will include those new projects I got for Christmas that won't all have been covered here yet so there's still be more newness yet!
Get Organised
Some people may remember that I got a stack of KR Multicase foam and boxes this year - but I need to get more organised and make sure I'm able to safely store everything I have. I think for the smaller scales I will look at alternative solutions to maximise the amount I can store in one box/container - perhaps even with any scenery specific to that game.
Find a Way
When those Brain Gremlins strike, they strike hard. I need to find a way to build resilience against their attacks and engage in the things I enjoy more (obviously hobby is the main thing, but also board/cardgames and videogames - I'm an all round gamer!).
So, to anyone who may have read this far, well done for getting through 2020 and whilst 2021 might not mark a significant change for the better for the world as a whole, we can certainly try to make it a better hobby year! Whatever you do to see in the new year, I hope you are safe and happy as can be - have a good one!
Cracking ramble my friend! Been great watching your progress. Major Whitaker has his eyes on you professor Lange!