Friday 27 November 2020

'Sir' Redmond Meadowcreek – Halfling Knight

Not many Halflings are drawn to the life of a Knight - their skill with a bow often sees them better suited to a life as an archer or ranger - but Redmond Meadowcreek has fully embraced a life of chivalry.  It's just a shame that the knightly orders of the Empire wouldn't embrace him.

Undeterred, Redmond saved up his money and found an armourer willing to make a Halfling-sized suit of plate.  He then took up his sword and set out into the world to fight evildoers, upholding his own chivalric code as he went.  He found himself en route to Mordheim, tales of great villains and heroes from around the world congregating at the ruined city drawing him like a moth to a candle.

Redmond hopes to earn enough from his exploits to actually buy his own steed - but he spends far too much on polish for his armour so that won't happen any time soon!

Redmond here was an exclusive Halfling Lord mini available through the TTCombat Halflings and Fantasy Friends kickstarter.  He's a pain to take a photo off though due to his pose 😅  This actually marks the point where all of the miniatures from that kickstarter are now painted which is a bit of a milestone! (the MDF scenery is merely primed as of time of writing this post)

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