Thursday 13 August 2020

WizKids Deep Cuts - Bounty Board

I spotted the WizKids Deep Cuts range and whilst the miniatures don't really have anything that's my style, they also do some scenic/terrain pieces.  I took the plunge and ordered a couple from sellers on eBay - the first has arrived!

It's the Bounty Board:

As you can see - it's allegedly primed and 'paint ready' out of the box... so let's get it out of that box (well, blister pack but whatever WizKids):

On first impressions, I'm pretty happy with it - it's going to be useful for all sorts of games I think - Mordheim, Dracula's America, Frostgrave, Burrows & Badgers and more spring to mind straight away. So let's check that 'paint ready' status shall we... OK, it's assembled, seems primed in some light grey paint (not my first choice cause let's be honest - black is my go to - but it'll do)... wait, what's that I spy?

Rather nasty mouldlines down the two posts... now, the product is very fairly priced, it's a nice design, it has clearly been assembled and primed in the factory which is an obvious time-saver.  But can anyone tell me what is the point in it even being primed if I'm going to have to scrape down these mouldlines?!

Not very impressed at this point... I have another item from the range on its way to me so will see if it's a recurring issue or not.  Based on this, I cannot recommend this range - but watch this space to see if the range can be redeemed (if it can, I'll update this post in the interests of fairness!).

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