Monday 3 August 2020

Age of Magic - Saga x Darklands

As anyone who follows me on Twitter or Instagram might have spotted, this week I picked up Saga Age of Magic!

You know the one - it allows for all manner of fantasy wargaming tropes to be used in games of Saga (with added magic and monsters and all that kind of good stuff!):

Now - I'd picked this up purely with the intention of finding a way to encourage me to work on the incredible collection I've got of Mierce Miniatures Darklands stuff.  I love the lore that Rob at Mierce has so carefully crafted for the Darklands world, the miniatures are to my mind the finest fantasy minis out there, but the ruleset was just too complex for my poor mental health addled mind.  I thought that maybe Age of Magic might be a simpler game that would allow me to make use of the armies I have but in a way that my brain will co-operate with!  Of course, should my mental abilities strengthen then the miniatures can of course still be used in Darklands - I'll be keeping the bases and all the names as Rob intended to respect the setting like it deserves!

Anyway, back to the Age of Magic book - lo and behold, I was surprised to spot not just the odd miniature (although the mini on page 91 isn't Shieldwolf Miniatures as listed - it is Mierce; Flint-Fang, Kill-Thing of the Infernal Pits), but a selection of Darklands minis used in the showcase army for the Lords of the Wild section!

Seeing that cemented my plans - indeed, not only did it give me back all my enthusiasm for the wonderful Darklands world and range, but it meant I also placed a cheeky little top-up order with Mierce (those 12-man levies don't match up all that well with the 10-man unit of Bow-Drune I have....) including a couple of surprises I'll share when I have them!

As long-time readers may remember, I have three armies for Darklands - Albainn, Érainn and Kernowek (Ysians).  I'm going to sit down when I have a chance and start plotting which of the Age of Magic factions will work best for which Darklands kindred (and which troop types will work for which minis/units).  I'll start with the armies I have but if the bug bites I'll draw up lists to cover the Darklands world.

Now, this gives me the perfect excuse to double-check and re-catalogue my Darklands collection - time to fire up the old Excel and get stuck in!

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