Wednesday 22 July 2020

Street Toughs and the Candy Kid's Street Punks

I've finally got round to picking up some packs from Copplestone Castings' range of gangsters (looked after by North Star) to use for some games of Mad Dogs with Guns.  The first couple of packs I've assembled are the Street Toughs and the Candy Kid's Street Punks packs.  Each pack has four single-piece minis and comes with round lipped slottabases.

First up, here are the Street Toughs.  This pack is themed around guys that like to get up close and personal!  A couple of practitioners of the pugilistic arts form the core of the pack:

The other half features a guy carrying his trusty baseball bat ("what officer, I'm a big fan of the Sox!") and a cigarette smoking tough whose cosh can be seen poking out of his pocket:

The Candy Kid's Street Punks pack is a bit more varied - although half is armed for close combat - one with brass knuckles and a knife, the other getting in a bit of batting practice:

The rest of the pack introduces some ranged weaponry into my collection - a fedora-wearing pistol man and a wild-haired shotgunner (shotguns aren't common in this range so I was keen to get this one in particular):

I haven't decided yet how I'll divvy these up amongst the couple of gangs I'm planning - one will be Irish (surprise, surprise) and the other I'll do as a rival Jewish outfit.  All the sculpts feature nice period clothing details and characterful faces - the casts were clean with minimal clean-up required.

The one point to note - the slottatabs on the minis (all of them that I got from this range) were too tall for the supplied bases, requiring me to cut them down a little to get them to fit.  Not a problem - but it did add some time and faff to what would otherwise have been a quick little prep job.

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