Monday 27 July 2020

Okkultekorps Commanders

The Okkultekorps has a hierarchy of commanders that lead the field-efforts of the sinister organisation.  Most were former SS officers, seconded over at the creation of the Okkultekorps - one of the most cunning and, most would say, conniving of these is Untersturmführer Heinz Mayer.

His fortunes are closely tied to those of Professor Lange - the two might dislike and distrust each other greatly, but together they are a dangerous threat to the enemies of the Reich.

Untersturmführer Mayer surveys the scene

Soon after successful mass production of the Totenkorps, Professor Lange turned his mind to the creation of a superior form of these horrific troops.  Whilst he had some success, this was not able to be replicated on a wide basis - and to make matters worse for the Professor, Mayer requisitioned them as bodyguards.  Lange had no choice if he was to maintain the position of privilege he has at the helm of the scientific arm of the Okkultekorps.

Mayer's Bodyguards - Totenkorps Zwei

The head of the Okkultekorps is Obersturmführer Helmut Klingemann - no longer a mere man; he has developed strange and powerful traits as a result of secret tests carried out by Professor Lange.  Not even Klingemann knows about these tests, although it matters little - he is a terrifying prospect to face on the battlefield, and the British will surely feel his wrath!

Obersturmführer Helmut Klingemann - self-proclaimed Vampir

Klingemann is from Warlord Games, the Totenkorps Zwei bodyguards are Warlord plastics with, I think Westwind zombie heads.  Update: Mayer is from Artizan Designs were he goes by the name of Major Kreipe

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