Monday 13 April 2020

Bear's Wood Town Watch

Oathsworn Miniatures held a Great and Small Kickstarter campaign a little while ago and I picked up the really rather awesome Bulldog Knight sculpt:

It's a big 'un - single-piece, cast in resin - there wasn't much tidy-up needed on this chap; no bubbles to fill.

I didn't really have a specific use for it, but when I had it in hand I decided to get him some friends to form a Town Watch for the Bear's Wood - kind of like a neutral NPC warband in between my band of rogues and my wife's sisterhood.

So, with that in mind I hit up the Oathsworn shop and this is what I got!

I'd admired the Weasel Soldier with his crossbow and thought he'd fit right in with the theme of this band:

I also added the two Town Watch-Mouse minis - one with crossbow and one with halberd:

I also added a Shrew Heroine - purely because I liked the mini and thought she'd make a cool second-in-command to the Bulldog Knight!

I wanted to add a little bit of spiritual support (well, magickal no doubt) - so chose the Mole Friar to join the Bear's Wood Town Watch:

Finally, I wanted to include the family pet somehow - the Cat Duellist looked like he could fit in (maybe he's the local Baron's right hand beast making sure the Town Watch are up to scratch!):

As with all Oathsworn minis these are really characterful and needed almost no clean-up at all to prep.  The only problem with looking at the Oathsworn shop is that it makes me want all the things!

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