Tuesday 17 March 2020

UNORP - The Shield of Rolbu

The more formidable of Orcish heavy infantry are the axebearers - armoured with the finest mail, carrying heavy shields and wielding the double-headed steel axes that they take their name from.  The axebearers often form the steel-clad heart at the core of most armies raised by the Union. The majority of these regiments are raised in Ilgard and Rolbu from the strongest and most steadfast Orcs that progress through the military academies in those great cities.

One such regiment is known as The Shield of Rolbu - led by Sir Argug the Red, a decorated hero of the Union.  This regiment of axebearers has beaten back scores of enemy armies and was particularly instrumental in the Battle of Three and a Half Armies and the Fifth Siege of Rolbu. 

The Shield of Rolbu

Sir Argug the Red

These are the Savage Stormtroopers from Ral Partha Europe.