Sunday 26 May 2019

Walls, Fences and a Random Well

So I suppose I have to face up to it - if I'm going to play wargames I need to have some kind of collection of terrain and scenery options.

I had the Citadel Walls and Fences box for quite a while - I'd primed them in either grey or brown ages ago but thought it was about time I finished them off with some other colours, a defining wash and the odd flower/grass tuft for detail (as suggested by my wife!).

I wanted to keep these pieces as flexible as possible - Mordheim, Dragon Rampant, Frostgrave, Darklands, even Chosen Men or Broken Legions or similar - so on a couple I chose to remove some of the 'Warhammery' elements (the OTT sun decoration and the spiked censer):

Much better!

Now that I looked up the contents of the box on the GW site it seems I'm missing a couple of walls - I'll have to dig those out and get them done soon.

I also had the well knocking about from the old Mines of Moria starter so thought I'd do that at the same time as the stuff above - nothing fancy, just a useful objective piece for all sorts of fantasy/historic games:

Overall I'm quite happy with the results on all these pieces - quick to do but will add a lot to games.  The versatility of them is very useful too!

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