Friday 17 May 2019

Florian Dieb - Mugger

It was a hard life in the small village of Ziegedorf, eking out a living farming beetroots in the unforgiving land or raising the stubborn goats that give the village its name. Florian hoped for more, and like many country bumpkins travelled to Mordheim to try to make his fortune.

Florian wasn’t prepared for what he found there and his meagre savings soon dwindled to nothing. It wasn’t long before the young rural villager turned to a life of crime to keep paying his room and board at The One-Eyed Crow Inn. He occasionally sells his services to the many warbands that have gathered in Mordheim, generally to keep the landlord of the Inn off his back when the pickings are otherwise slim.

All I can find is a reference to this as a 'Mugger' mini from Citadel, now long OOP.

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