Tuesday 10 July 2018

Baron Zit - Scavvy

A mid-level enforcer for the infamous Scavvy King Redwart, Baron Zit can often be found 'advising' the various Scavvy Bosses that have pledged allegiance to the King.

A sycophant to Redwart, but a bully to everyone else, the Baron takes pleasure in threatening and blackmailing those bosses that seek his attention. A typical Scavvy, Baron Zit has discoloured skin, marked with the scars of numerous zits and boils as well as those yet to burst.

Baron Zit carries a human face, stretched over a metal disc, attached to a pole as a kind of sinister personal standard. If asked about this, the Baron refers to it fondly as 'Jimmy' and seems to drift into a sentimental daydream.

I'd collected most of the original Scavvy miniatures for my warband, but that meant I had a spare Boss miniature.  I decided that King Redwart would probably have a fiarly feudal system with a court of nobles/sycophants acting as the enforcers of his will amongst the wider Scavvy populace, and Baron Zit was born. The backpack was a kitbash from undead (the face plate) and skaven bits (I think that's where the pole/hair thing was from).

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