Sunday 19 May 2024

Reinforcement arrived for Strike Force Koivisto!

Things were looking grim for Strike Force Koivisto - Kuàngshān had a much bigger problem than first thought; this was not a typical Xenos-worshipping cult - the Xianglu Sect had managed to retro-engineer, and modify, a range of foul beasts using DNA samples from their elusive patriarch.

Understanding the need to bolster the Deathwatch, Watch-Lieutenant Sister Akintoye called for reinforcements - and Battle-Brother Martinus Dengana , a great champion of the Deathwatch has answered the call.  From the Lion Warriors and clad in Centurion Armour, Martinus Dengana advances across the battlefield - his Heavy Bolter making short work of smaller foes, while his Siege Drill has destroyed countless alien monstrosities in the name of the Emperor.  

Battle-Brother Martinus Dengana's arrival and example has spurred his Battle-Siblings in Strike Force Koivisto to even greater heights of heroism.  They will cleanse Kuàngshān.

Martinus Dengana here is a stock Centurion, he has an added =I= icon (had to punch up the DW look as couldn't get a DW shoulder pad), and a couple of extra purity seals (one with another =I=).  As I'm not using 40k rules, I was able to give him both a Heavy Bolter and a Siege Drill.

Of course, he himself is an homage to Trials of a Casual War Gamer and his Lion Warriors!

Tuesday 19 December 2023

Strike Force Koivisto

The population of Kuàngshān, an unremarkable mine world like a thousand others, has embraced the teachings of the Xianglu Sect.  To most who have visited, the Sect appears as a branch of the Imperial Creed tailored to the culture of Kuàngshān - but rumours still persist about secret rituals by the upper hierarchy of the Sect.

Ordo Xenos Inquisitor Lady Ester Koivisto has brought a force of Deathwatch and Inquisitorial troops to the dusty, industrial planet to follow up on these rumours...

Lady Ester Koivisto, always accompanied by her servo-skull Luun-Pää, has served the Ordo Xenos for over two decades with a quiet determination.  Lady Koivisto seeks knowledge and has travelled widely investigating cases and eliminating alien threats.  Lady Koivisto is a competent warrior whose abilities are magnified thanks to a rare techsuit gifted to her when she destroyed a Hrud nest on Necromunda.  Her favoured weapons are a pair of plasma pistols, utilitarian in design but made by Lefever MDCXLII, the last in an ancient line of master gunsmiths.

Lady Koivisto's sworn protector, Officer Dariush Farzan is willing to give his life for the Inquisitor, but his hefty shield and shotgun make it more likely that others will give their lives first.  Officer Farzan is a devout man; he is never without his personal copy of the Imperial Creed.

Imperial propaganda insists that the abhuman Squats were destroyed by some terrible alien force, but holders of true knowledge are aware that they never disappeared.  Ödmjuk Skænar is one of the Squats who met Lady Koivisto at a trading world.  Bonding over a shared thirst for knowledge, the Inquisitor invited Skænar to join her band - the Squat was more than willing to oblige.

It is very common for Inquisitorial bands to include members of the Adeptus Mechanicus - invaluable for their technical aptitude and esoteric knowledge these Tech-Acolytes are welcomed by wise Inquisitors.  υυ D-40 has been with Lady Koivisto since her first mission and provides the band with a skilled marksperson - their long-rifle was responsible for taking down the Ork Warlord Zoggrok Guthacka, ending a Waaagh before it had a chance to start.

Requisitioned from the Imperial Navy by Lady Koivisto, Gurcharan Bola wasn't missed by his former comrades - he is a jovial man with a propensity for ultraviolence.  Lady Koivisto recognised that Bola's particular skills would be a great help when facing terrifying Xenos; she was quickly proved right when Bola helped slaughter a Tau cultural outreach team.  

Spei Scutum is Lady Koivisto's personal Razorback transport - armed primarily with twin lascannon to tackle armoured targets, Spei Scutum also has a missile pod for anti-personnel purposes.  

The 17th Birmingham, nicknamed 'The Bug Swatters' has provided Lady Koivisto with men several times and they always serve with distinction.  Carrying a mix of weaponry the Bug Swatters sometimes serve as a single unit, but when required break into two; ranged support (lasguns and a grenade launcher) and assault (various cruel blades and clubs).  Soldiers of the 17th Birmingham have taken to wearing trophies from their kills - armour plates from various Tyranid beasts are worn on shoulders, shins and even heads.

Watch-Lieutenant Sister Akintoye leads the Deathwatch contingent of Strike Force Koivisto.  A member of the Onyx Talons, she has served the Imperium for the last 310 years, with half of that being spent with the Deathwatch.  She brings her eagle, Oya, to battle with her - a sign of great status amongst the Onyx Talons.

Providing Strike Force Koivisto with a psychic threat - and shield - is Brother Codicier Rafiel. Seconded from the Blood Angels, Rafiel carries himself with the nobility expected of Sanguinius' line.  

A Blackshield, Brother Marek is a quiet man who keeps himself to himself - but in battle he is a sight to behold; chainsword and powersword in hand he wades through the enemy leaving only blood and gore in his wake. As with all Blackshields, none know of Marek's former chapter - but some say the chipped black paint on his right shoulder reveals white and dark red.

Although he isn't a Blackshield, most of his comrades stay away from Brother Tephras of the Dark Angels.  This suits Tephras, who would rather keep his secrets anyway.

Brother Halvard Frostkin of the Space Wolves is an anomaly, whilst most of his pack took easily to the role of Long Fang, Halvard missed the thrill of besting his foes in hand to hand combat.  When the rest of his pack was killed defending Snøfonn IV from Hive Fleet Lotan, Halvard was granted permission to serve with the Deathwatch - here he takes every opportunity to avenge his pack the best way he knows how.

Sister Sergeant Korina is a proud marine of the White Minotaurs chapter - she carries a famed relic of her chapter; the Heraklean Club.  This artificer-crafted Power Maul has crushed countless Xenos in the service of the Deathwatch, every battle adding to its fame.

Brother Genericus continues the Ultramarine's long but ultimately uninteresting history of service in the Emperor's name.  

Hailing from the Shadow Wolves chapter, Brother Hàoyú takes a pragmatic view of war; kill more of the enemy than they can kill of you.  His weapon of choice, the Frag Cannon, allows him to share his philosophy with his fellow marines - the shrapnel tearing through scores of Xenos.

Sibling Santana of the Knights of Gryphonne is a fearsome warrior.  Armed with a pair of artificer Lightning Claws, on the battlefield they stalk the most heavily armoured enemies - it is said that once Santana has identified a target they will not stop until their Claws have tasted blood.

Brother Iskandar of the Contenders chapter believes in versatility - his combi Heavy Bolter and Flamer make him a deadly threat at range and close up.  Iskandar advances implacably, starting by firing bolt rounds at distant foes, before engulfing those who get near in burning promethium.

Strike Force Koivisto is blessed to include a Dreadnought; Brother Torox Rageheart of the Flesh Tearers. This ancient warrior has fought and vanquished foes on thousands of worlds - and has not slowed down since being interred in a Dreadnought after falling whilst serving in the Deathwatch.  His armament clearly shows his nature; crushing claws, whirring chainfists, hurricane bolters and hunter-killer missiles make Torox a walking arsenal.

Monday 6 November 2023

The ADHS Diaries - part 17

Here we go with another thrilling instalment of the ADHS Diaries!

A War Transformed
Everything has been prepped for both the French/Mother and German/Horned God forces.  I do still have to sand dip the lot though before they can join the priming queue/

The Burning Sands
Those Hunnic Orcs I mentioned previously are all prepped and sand dipped waiting to be sprayed black.

Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game
Well, I came across a couple of cheap second hand minis to add to the Mordor collection - the Mouth of Sauron on foot and an Uruk-Hai Scout Captain with two-handed axe that I will use as a Mordor Uruk-Hai Captain (not decided if I'll dare to convert him slightly yet!)

Of Gods and Mortals
The Japanese force, Gall-Gaedhil and the Dokana are all done and waiting for prime time!

The Silver Bayonet
The various stuff from Magister Militum is prepped and sand-dipped.  Well, except the bats and the witches as in the case of the flying models I need a new pin vice and in the case of the cauldron crew witches the stand has (as yet) proven too fiddly to contend with.

Looking Ahead
I am waiting for a little parcel of 3d printed minis that will be going on the 32mm bases I got...although I'll have to wait for Christmas to really get stuck in on this new project (and game!)